Closed Bug 959020 Opened 11 years ago Closed 10 years ago

[MADAI] [Alarm] Allow user to select any predefined or user-defined ringtone for any alarm


(Firefox OS Graveyard :: Gaia::Clock, defect)

Gonk (Firefox OS)
Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: sharaf.tir, Assigned: vishnubiaora)



(Whiteboard: [m+] [g+] interaction-design)


(3 files)

Right now users can select and set predefined tones for alarms. 

User can set file from music application as call ringtone. But in the current implementation users cant set any media file from music application as alert tone. 

It should be possible for the user to set any media file as tone for any alarm he or she create
Blocks: 958307
This is in direct contradiction of bug 951932. Please read the comments there and needinfo respective parties if needed. Thanks.
these are two different case.bug 951932 are talking about rington but this issue   is not related  ringtone.This issue related to Alarm  tone.
Flags: needinfo?(pivanov)
I'm not sure that I'm the right person to answer this.
Flags: needinfo?(pivanov) → needinfo?(epang)
(In reply to Pavel Ivanov [:ivanovpavel] from comment #3)
> I'm not sure that I'm the right person to answer this.
> Eric?

I'm not either, I believe Juwei is working on the interaction for Clock.  Do you know if there's any plans to do this?  Thanks!
Flags: needinfo?(epang) → needinfo?(jhuang)
As far as I know, we probably don't have plan to customise alarm sound right now. Fiag Jacqueline, who is ringtone UX, for advice.

Hi Jacqueline,
Do we have plan to customise alarm sound in the future?
Flags: needinfo?(jhuang) → needinfo?(jsavory)
This bug appears to be proposing that the clock app should do a pick activity to allow the user to pick songs from the Music app for use as ringtones.

I don't think that is the right way to go about it.

We're going to be doing a lot of work with ringtones in the 1.4 release, including adding the ability to define new ringtones from the Music app. Minimal changes to the clock app will allow it to interoperate with the ringtone work.

The only change you should need to make to clock is to use a Pick activity (with type "ringtone") to select ringtones.  (Instead of using the predefined list that the clock app currently defines).  Then, any ringtone that is available through the settings app will also be available to the clock app.

I've edited the bug summary line to try to capture the high-level user story instead of a proposed (incorrect) implementation approach.

Also setting needinfo on Marcus (clock owner) so that this is on his radar.
Flags: needinfo?(m)
Summary: [MADAI] [Alarm] Setting music file as tone → [MADAI] [Alarm] Allow user to select any predefined or user-defined ringtone for any alarm
Flags: needinfo?(m)
Ever confirmed: true
Yes, the ability to use a ringtone as a clock alert is in the list of ringtone stories. 

And I agree with David in that I don't think the clock app should pick directly from music and I don't believe there are any plans to do this.
Flags: needinfo?(jsavory)
As per the comment from Wayne, we checked  bug 960329. Following are our observations.
1. Currently Ringtone application supports only ringtone and alert tones. There is no support for alarm tones.
2. To have a custom alarm tone with this patch, user have to perform following actions
a. user need to share a music file from music application to ringtone.
b. Set alarm tone from clock application.
3. There is no single step for selecting custom alarm tone, while creating alarm.

We hope there is some more work in progress as commented by djf in comment #6.
We need some more information if we have any work in progress, which will allow choosing any music file while creating alarm.
Flags: needinfo?(wchang)
Flags: needinfo?(dflanagan)
(In reply to Veeresh from comment #8)
> As per the comment from Wayne, we checked  bug 960329. Following are our
> observations.
> 1. Currently Ringtone application supports only ringtone and alert tones.
> There is no support for alarm tones.

I don't think it is making a distinction between ringtones and alarm tones.  An alert tone is something very short that is played once.  A ringtone is a longer sound that is usually (but not necessariliy) looped so it goes on playing until the user stops it.

I think our existing ringer sounds and our existing alarm sounds could both appear in a single list of sounds, and I'd suggest that some or all of the alarm sounds current hard-coded in the Clock app be moved to the ringtones app so they are available as phone ringer sounds as well.

> 2. To have a custom alarm tone with this patch, user have to perform
> following actions
> a. user need to share a music file from music application to ringtone.
> b. Set alarm tone from clock application.

Yes, this is a two-step process.  Eventually (in 1.5, we hope) this process will include the ability to select the starting point and the duration of the sounds, so that the user does not have to use an entire sound.  In the process we will probably also convert the sound from stereo to mono to reduce the size of the file.

> 3. There is no single step for selecting custom alarm tone, while creating
> alarm.

Correct. It is a two step process. This is also true for the telephony app as well. 

I don't believe that we will be willing to land Clock patches that pick audio files directly from the music app.

> We hope there is some more work in progress as commented by djf in comment
> #6.
> We need some more information if we have any work in progress, which will
> allow choosing any music file while creating alarm.
Flags: needinfo?(dflanagan)
Blocks: 843955
Flags: needinfo?(wchang)
Assignee: nobody → vishnubiaora
Please find the changes done for fixing the issue.
We need to apply this patch on top of

Please review the changes.
Attachment #8377546 - Flags: review?(jsavory)
Attached file Madai_clock_959020.pdf
hi Wayne,
As discussed, please find the attached file with
information about our changes
Flags: needinfo?(wchang)
Jacqueline, Adam,
The screenshots from partner are in comment 11, can you also review and comment if we can accept this into the clock app?

Flags: needinfo?(wchang) → needinfo?(arogers)
Adding ni for jsavory too
Flags: needinfo?(jsavory)
Based on the screen shot, this seems a reasonable add to the clock alarm.  

Adding Juwei, clearing jsavory.
Flags: needinfo?(jsavory)
Flags: needinfo?(jhuang)
Flags: needinfo?(arogers)
It also looks reasonable to me.
Flags: needinfo?(jhuang)
I think that Tiffanie should review this as well as she is currently handling the ringtones section and this is directly related to one of the current ringtone stories.
Flags: needinfo?(tshakespeare)
Attachment #8377546 - Flags: review?(jsavory) → review?(tshakespeare)
Flagging Adam, Sri and Hema as I see a few flags here. First, this bug is tagged as Madai but has nothing to do with camera work. In addition, it is not clear if this is aiming for 2.0, 2.1 or another release; there is no target milestone. Finally, I didn't think that this was in the backlog for Clock. Has that changed?

Please let UX know how to proceed and, if appropriate, Tif can review the patch.
Flags: needinfo?(skasetti)
Flags: needinfo?(hkoka)
Flags: needinfo?(arogers)
Looks like there is a patch here already. I'm OK with moving this feature into the clock in 2.0 if that's the case.
Flags: needinfo?(arogers)
Flags: needinfo?(hkoka)
Sure the flow should be reviewed by Tiffanie who is ringtone ux owner, and let me know if there's any changes :)
Hey guys, I'm adding Wilfred as I just had an email convo with him and he mentioned that choosing ringtones for alarms wasn't happening until 2.1.

Wilfred - are you aware of this work? Does this mean the user story will be for 2.0?
Flags: needinfo?(wmathanaraj)
(In reply to Stephany Wilkes from comment #17)
> Flagging Adam, Sri and Hema as I see a few flags here. First, this bug is
> tagged as Madai but has nothing to do with camera work. In addition, it is
> not clear if this is aiming for 2.0, 2.1 or another release; there is no
> target milestone. Finally, I didn't think that this was in the backlog for
> Clock. Has that changed?
> Please let UX know how to proceed and, if appropriate, Tif can review the
> patch.

To address your question here, this will be a feature that Madai is adding to their product and at the same time contributing back to Mozilla's main FxOS trunk. So when UX and product are comfortable accepting this then we can include it in our very next release, that is of course the sooner the better :)
Whiteboard: [m+]
I am happy to take this for v2.1 rather than 2.0. Lets reiew the contribution and see how it fits with what we want.
Flags: needinfo?(wmathanaraj)
I'm having problems reviewing the patch - I've only got a nexus 4 that has been flashed for the 1.4 camera work. Can I use this device?

Looking at the attached document though, it looks like you are using a selector similar to the ringer selector in Sounds?

For alarms and contacts, we actually want to use the value selector with sub-headers. We will be updating the ringer to use this type of selector as well. See this building block:

Note - it may end up visually looking different because of the visual refresh efforts.

Let me know if you have additional questions about this. I will withhold the actual ui-review +/- until I check out the patch.

Flags: needinfo?(tshakespeare)
Please let me know how to review the patch so I can ui-review +/-. Thanks
Flags: needinfo?(vishnubiaora)
In this issue we select ringtone for Alarm from ringtone Apps and Alarm tone move in ringtone apps.patch for thsi
Created attachment 8377546 [details]
Pointer to Pull Request.html

We need to apply this patch on top of
this is required for creating custom tone from music to ringtone apps
Flags: needinfo?(vishnubiaora)
Whiteboard: [m+] → [m+] [g+]
Hey guys - I'm not able to install these dual patches on my device. Can you please provide either screenshots or a video (preferably) in order for me to complete the ui-review? That would be much appreciated.

Also, I would suggest submitting this to mcav for the code review portion.
Flags: needinfo?(vishnubiaora)
First apply separately this patch cleanly for creating custom ringtone.
then apply this separately for selection ringtone for Alarm from Ringtone App using moz activity.
Flags: needinfo?(vishnubiaora)
Vishnu - I'm not a developer, I don't know how to apply patches on top of patches, nor do I know what it means to do it cleanly. If you could attach either screenshots or a video (preferably), then I can complete the UI-review.

For comment 28
Flags: needinfo?(vishnubiaora)
Hi wayne,
i attached PDF file can see UI revie in PDF file
Flags: needinfo?(vishnubiaora)
Hi Tiffanie,
what happend in this issue.
Flags: needinfo?(tshakespeare)
Comment on attachment 8377546 [details]
Pointer to Pull Request.html

Tiffanie is not a developer and thus cannot be assigned the review? flag. Assigning her to ui-review? instead. Please note that, per her previous comments, she needs either screenshots or video in order to complete the ui-review?. Thanks!
Attachment #8377546 - Flags: review?(tshakespeare) → ui-review?(tshakespeare)
Thanks Steph.

So you guys are aware - typically our process involves getting the designer, in this case me, to do a UI-review on the implementation. Ideally, we are able to apply patches to our devices so we can see the implementation in action. When the designers aren't able to apply patches, such as here due to the complexity of dual patches, developers will provide us with a video or screenshots of the implementation. 

The reason we don't evaluate documentation or specs is because sometimes the actual implementation may differ slightly; this could be anything from alignment issues to incorrect flows that may not have been specced or even sluggishness/unresponsiveness. Hence why we prefer patches or a video over static screenshots.

Hopefully this helps clear up why we are so insistent on getting those things instead of just referring to the attached pdf spec.

Flags: needinfo?(tshakespeare)
The attached screenshots show the below scenarios

Scenario 1: Sharing the Music files to ringtones
Go to Music -> Play any song -> Share -> Ringtones -> Set ringtone

Scenario 2: Select the music file from new alarm sound option

Please find the screen shots for old and new ringtone selection for alarm creation.
Alarm Ringtone Selection - old.png
Alarm Ringtone Selection - New.png
Please let us know if you need any more information.
Attachment #8421531 - Flags: ui-review?(tshakespeare)
Flags: needinfo?(skasetti)
Is scenario 1 (creating a ringtone) part of this bug? I ask because I'm working with Jim Porter on implementing creating ringtones and what is shown in the screenshots does not align with what we are doing.

For scenario 2 (picking from alarm), this is close to what I've been working on for other user stories - with a few modifications. I need to get that UI approved and finalized before telling you how to change yours.
Please note this feature is backlogged for 2.1, not 2.0.
^ Which is why the spec is not yet complete and reviewed, to clarify my comment above. Specs will be done mid-2.0 cycle and implementation on this will begin after specs are complete. ^
Whiteboard: [m+] [g+] → [m+] [g+] interaction-design
Are you making copies of the ringtones that are set as alarms in the clock app?
If that is the case we can't take this patch.
In 2.2 we plan to implement choosing ringtones via contacts/clock
The solution being considered is managing the ringtones in one place and not make
multiple copies.
Flags: needinfo?(vishnubiaora)
i deleted Alarm ringtones and copy it at Ringtone apps.
Flags: needinfo?(vishnubiaora)
Going to resolve this as a dupe of a new bug, since the design and scope have changed a great deal in the past several months, the patches from earlier this year were never accepted, and I think the past thread will only confuse the issue going forward.
Ever confirmed: false
Resolving per Comment 41.
Closed: 10 years ago
Resolution: --- → INCOMPLETE
(In reply to Stephany Wilkes from comment #41)
> Going to resolve this as a dupe of a new bug, since the design and scope
> have changed a great deal in the past several months, the patches from
> earlier this year were never accepted, and I think the past thread will only
> confuse the issue going forward.

Did you open a new bug yet ?
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